By submitting a vulnerability regarding illion to, you agree to the Terms of Service

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Responsible Disclosure Policy:

This page is for security researchers interested in reporting application security vulnerabilities. This is intended for application security vulnerabilities only.

The details within your request form will be submitted to (operated by an independent third party, Synack) and will only be shared with illion once validated by Synack. If you have reported an issue determined to be within program scope and to be a valid security issue, will validate your finding and you will be allowed to disclose the vulnerability after a fix has been issued. This process is managed exclusively by through their platform, accordingly you must accept the terms of service if you wish to proceed. All queries are to be directed to and managed exclusively through the online portal.


Responsible Disclosure Guidelines:

In submitting a request, you agree:

  • To accept the Terms of Service.
  • To work directly with on vulnerability submissions in good faith
  • To provide detailed description of a proof-of-concept to detail reproduction of vulnerabilities
  • Not to engage in disruptive testing like DoS or any action that could impact the confidentiality, integrity or availability of information and systems
  • Not to engage in social engineering or phishing of customers or employees
  • You are not entitled to compensation and you will not request compensation for time and materials or vulnerabilities discovered
  • To understand the complexities of the review process: Vulnerability adjudication is performed considering the program scope as well as mitigating factors that may nullify or reduce specific risks to acceptable levels. Decisions are made in a thoughtful manner and are final.


Typical Vulnerabilities Accepted:

  • OWASP Top 10 vulnerability categories
  • Other vulnerabilities with demonstrated impact


Typical Out of Scope:

  • Theoretical vulnerabilities
  • Informational disclosure of non-sensitive data
  • Low impact session management issues
  • Self XSS (user defined payload)

For a full list of program scope please visit the Responsible Disclosure details page


Responsible Disclosure Guidelines:

  • Adhere to all legal terms and conditions outlined at
  • Work directly with on vulnerability submissions
  • Provide detailed description of a proof of concept to detail reproduction of vulnerabilities
  • Do not engage in disruptive testing like DoS or any action that could impact the confidentiality, integrity or availability of information and systems
  • Do not engage in social engineering or phishing of customers or employees
  • Do not request compensation for time and materials or vulnerabilities discovered
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